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Final project update #2 5/29

So far my list of defined terms are: Propaganda - I will be using my own definition of this word, just to narrow such a broad concept...

Final project update #1 - 5/21

The slideshow will be in 3 main sections, one focusing on definitions, one on generally, how ideology spreads, and one on differences...

Final project sketch

For my final project I would like to cover a couple different topics. I would like to talk about differences I've noticed with regards to...

May post #1

I watched this video regarding the book The Bell Curve, a book published, at the time of writing this post, 26 years ago. The book, often...

Interview with Mark Danner

I interviewed Mark Danner, author and professor of Human Rights Journalism at UC Berkeley, on the topic of propaganda, and its effect on...

April Post #4

I watched The Revolutionary, an interview-based documentary about the life of Sidney Rittenberg, an american-born translator and eventual...

April post #3

In "Manufacturing consent" Chomsky says "It is the primary function of the mass media in the united states to mobilize public support for...

April Journal #2

I read more Conquest of Bread, and he goes more in depth on how the ills of society are for the most part because capitalism is...

April post #1

During quarantine, I have been taking the time to catch up on my leftist reading list, and I am currently reading The Conquest of Bread...


Below is a diagram with the takeaway from the TED talk I chose, Liberal islamophobia. I chose mine because it seemed to fit really well...

Goal post for March SDA

My goal for this months SDA is to analyze the use of rhetoric, and fallacies as rhetoric on the right. I will make a video essay/reaction...

Plan for March SDA

From my midterm, and throughout the year, I have touched on the topic of propaganda on the internet. My midterm focused on dog whistles...

January post #1 - plan for Midterm

Since the beginning of the school year I have explored the idea that propaganda still holds great influence in our world. In order to...

December journal #1 - Qfocus/HOTQs

Q focus - Americans generally decide their political views based on propaganda rather than honest analysis of policy. HOTQs Knowledge...

#3, Content

Previously, my SDAs have been in the form of video or audio, and very technology focused, not super hands on. With this, I really want a...

Logos, November journal #2


What? So What? What now?

What? - What am I researching? I am analyzing various forms of propaganda in order to better understand how they affect us. Currently I'm...

Podcast Rubric/Self-grade

Questioning skills/idea/goal: sometimes my essential question got a bit muddied Research: I did lots of research for this and even got...

Long time no journal!

Hey. It's been a while. Sorry about that. I've been really busy with other stuff (including an upcoming podcast, and two other journals)...

PPT Reflection!

So... My project was far from perfect... I ran into a of myriad issues, ran over the due date like I was a terrible driver running over a...

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