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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald

What? So What? What now?

What? - What am I researching?

I am analyzing various forms of propaganda in order to better understand how they affect us. Currently I'm looking at the spread of leftist ideologies such as communism, anarchism, and socialism. The reason I decided to start with these is, I'm a bit biased towards them, and find them much more compelling than other more conservative thought processes. I am not only looking at propaganda posters of various countries, but also political organizations which fight (or fought) to implement these ideas.

So What? - Why should you care?

Lately I have seen a rise in the use of the term leftist by conservatives, the alt-right and even the alt-lite. They use it in a derogatory manner, but often, the people they hurl the term at are actually very capitalistic. additionally, with the upcoming election in 2020 and recent victories of actual leftists such as the Seattle city council, in Charlottesville NC, and the campaigns of Shakid Bhuttar, Bernie Sanders, and AOC, it has suddenly become a much more personally relevant topic.

What Now? - Where does this research take me?

I hope to clarify some things about leftism, while lifting the veil so we can think critically about the propaganda which surrounds us.

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