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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald


Updated: May 7, 2020

Below is a diagram with the takeaway from the TED talk I chose, Liberal islamophobia.

I chose mine because it seemed to fit really well with Mrs Gergen's choice. We tend only to hear stories of arab or black muslims, converts, especially white converts are not really represented in media very often. This type of focusing representation on the most affected groups tends to reduce characters to a single dimension, their identity. That sort of portrayal of individuals leads to liberal identity politics and representation culture in mass media, yet another form of capitalist propaganda.

The rhetoric they use in their speeches was also very effective. Their talks were aimed at people who are usually unreceptive to criticism, though in different ways. Liberal Islamophobia is aimed at liberals who in have come to the conclusion they have no more room to grow politically and thus have stagnated at misguided at best attempts to support marginalized communities which usually end up marginalizing them further. The Danger of a Single Story is aimed at anyone with prejudices, usually who are unwilling to grow out of them. The talks very effectively reach to those groups to further a mutual understanding and encourage growth.

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