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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald

Podcast Rubric/Self-grade

Questioning skills/idea/goal:

sometimes my essential question got a bit muddied


I did lots of research for this and even got through most of Kapital vol. 1


It didn't lend itself to a lot of numbers or statistics, but the facts were there.


I posted one journal as I was in the middle of working on the podcast, and met with my coordinators on a nearly daily basis.


Creativity - I had to come up with a way to present the basics of Marxism in an interesting and less confusing way, hence the Blade metaphor

Collaboration - My coordinators showed me a lot of stuff I could do with audacity that I never would have thought of and read through my script. Outside of E=MC^2 ers I had my parents and friends read it through and bugged them by trying to bounce ideas off of them and rambling about Marxism for weeks

Critical thinking - There is some analysis in the follow-up posts to my podcast (coming soon)

Communication - Its a podcast. I was able to communicate my ideas by the very nature of the product.

Curiosity - I was curious to see if I could effectively explain Marx and hopefully I was right...

Things I could have done better:

It didn't turn out as cohesive as I hoped... a better format for this would have been video, but that takes a while to do well and it was an extremely busy month.

I could have been clearer, but it's also a very confusing topic so I probably couldn't have done this perfectly.

The podcast could have had more audio effects in it, I just don't know if that would have improved it or if it would have been distracting.

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