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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald

Long time no journal!


It's been a while. Sorry about that. I've been really busy with other stuff (including an upcoming podcast, and two other journals) so it's not like I haven't been productive. So what's gonna happen is by 11/1 I will have posted both my podcast in the SDA section, and the other two journals here. My goal with this podcasts is to clearly define terms and educate y'all at least a little so we can have a coherent conversation about politics and propaganda without it devolving into hysterical screeching on either side. I elected to give you, dear reader, a break from your role as the reader, and save you the time and headache of reading a 12 page summary of leftism, and instead do it for you. Only out loud, and recorded online for you to listen to as many times as you want! Like a podcast only... wait it's exactly like a podcast. The other two journals however, should be substantially shorter, so back to work for you!

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