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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald

Plan for March SDA

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

From my midterm, and throughout the year, I have touched on the topic of propaganda on the internet. My midterm focused on dog whistles as the vehicle for discussing that, but there are many different ways propaganda spreads over the web in today's world. Like rhetoric for example. Take the IDW, or Intellectual Dark Web. A movement of free thinking, individualist, rationalist professors, god-like philosopher-kings, pundits, internet talk show hosts, streamers, editors for the Daily Stormer (lookin at you Ben), and many more. Right? Or are they, as some (wrong) folks on the left say, a movement of violent, pseudo intellectual, neo-fascistic, alt-right, identitarian, race realist, ethnostate-loving, jew-hating queer bashing sociopaths? I would like to present a fair and balanced take on the rhetoric the IDW uses, why its dangerous, and what role deplatforming plays in my suggested response to the danger.

My questions are:

What rhetoric does the IDW use, and why does it keep working?

What danger does it pose, if any, and to whom or what?

What should our response be? Are there tactics we should avoid? Areas we should focus on?

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