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Blog: Blog2
  • Ash Fitzgerald

#3, Content

Previously, my SDAs have been in the form of video or audio, and very technology focused, not super hands on. With this, I really want a tangible product I could hold, not just consume.

For a very long time, propaganda has been pushed by posters, drawings, art, etc. And before computers, everything had to be printed by hand. There are many forms of printmaking, like etching, or woodblock printing, but by far the easiest for me to do is linocut. The linoleum is soft, and easy to carve, the materials are cheap, and my school already has everything!

As far as design goes, I will borrow elements from the propaganda of ages past. There’s a near infinite number of styles that I could use as a base, but the propaganda of the C.N.T. F.A.I., an anarcho-syndicalist confederation of labor unions formed in Catalonia. They heavily utilized print making and encouraged people to make their own propaganda. Typically it heavily features red and black, a worker, a hammer, and depicts capitalism as pigs and fascism as a snake. My personal affinity for it does not extend however into me wanting to recreate it.

An ideology which in my view, is much more prominent today than Anarcho-Syndicalism, is Social Democracy, a political stance which focuses on the protection of the worker and increasing the standard of living, but is against the elimination of capitalism. (Though it feels more like a bandaid solution in an attempt to preserve the status quo and pacify the proletariat ala Mao’s Third-Worldism) Many if not all of the American liberals, and “““Left””” (note the heavy use of quotation marks) are really just social democrats. They don't believe in the radical or spontaneous revolution and direct anti-capitalist action of the true Left - i.e. MLs, MLMs, anarchists, and their ilk.

Below are some examples of propaganda I will draw from stylistically, or thematically.

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